
Craftsmanship and quality, the key principles we bring to each service we offer.


Keeping your building or structure waterproofed can be one of the most important assets to its continued integrity. Investing in proper waterproofing will increase the value, aesthetics, and safety of your building or structure

Concrete Vapor Drive Reduction
Concrete Vapor Drive Reduction

Vapor intrusion can occur when subsurface vapor-forming chemicals migrate up through the floor of a structure. This intrusion can be detrimental to the longevity of the structure.

Urethane & Bento-Grout Injection
Urethane & Bento-Grout Injection

Bento-Grout is a high-solids grout designed for sealing water leaks in below-grade structures. Unlike other waterproofing products, Bento-Grout is injected from the outside of the structure rather than the inside. This stops moisture before it gets the chance to penetrate your structure.

Negative and Positive Side Below-Grade Waterproofing
Negative and Positive Side Below-Grade Waterproofing

Positive side waterproofing is applied to the exterior of the foundation of your structure at or below grade. While this is a more modern method, we also apply negative side waterproofing when necessary. Negative side waterproofing is applied to the interior of the foundation of your structure.


The roof of a structure is exposed to more of the elements than any other part. Constant bombardment from mother nature can gradually impact the integrity of a structure's roof. We offer specialty and complete roofing solutions.

Helicopter Pad Coating and Graphics
Helicopter Pad Coating and Graphics

A helicopter pad can be a key component of a structure – supplying rapid transportation for patients, executives, and other personnel. Frequent usage, the sun, and weather can rapidly reduce visibility and general pad safety. Our coating systems are long-lasting and beautiful to keep landings safe and effective.

Complete Roof Coating Systems
Complete Roof Coating Systems

Our complete roof coating systems are high-quality, low-maintenance solutions for any structure. Keep your property safe from the elements, and keep those maintenance dollars where they belong – in your pocket.

Decking and Flooring

We offer a wide range of flooring and decking options to suit your particular needs. Our solutions are available for both inside and outside applications and offer the most durable, beautiful finishes available.

Epoxy Floor Coating Systems
Epoxy Floor Coating Systems

Epoxy coating is one of the most popular flooring solutions in the world. High durability, low odor, and low maintenance are some of the key advantages of a properly applied epoxy coating.

Deck Coating Systems
Deck Coating Systems

Our deck coating systems are available for many types of decking surfaces including but not limited to wood, plywood, concrete, and more. Coating a deck surface can increase the life of the deck exponentially and reduce maintenance costs over time.

Complete Parking Deck Vehicular Coating Systems
Complete Parking Deck Vehicular Coating Systems

A parking deck in constantly being tested by large vehicles, heavy foot traffic, and sometimes even weather. While the coating itself is important, the aesthetics can be equally as pertinent. A well-designed, beautifully finished parking deck will add to both the integrity and the safety of your parking structure.

Expansion Joints

Expansion Joints are strategically placed joints that provide relief to a structure or slab under heavy vibrations, during expansion and contraction due to temperature, and due to seismic activity. If these joints are not properly maintained, it can negatively effect the intregity of the strucutre.

Caulking of Expansion Joints
Caulking of Expansion Joints

Expansion joints in concrete or other surface finishes can lead to water leaking and even issues with insulation. Keeping expanded joints or cracks caulked properly can help to remediate these problems.

Seismic Expansion Joint Renovation
Seismic Expansion Joint Renovation

Seismic joints are often made up of foam or a styrofoam-like substance to give a structure some leeway when under stress due to seismic activity. If left unmaintained, these joints can cause serious issues for the integrity of a structure. This is especially important in high seismic activity areas such as Southern California.

Ready to start your project?

Our professional staff is standing by waiting to take your information to get your project off the ground.

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